Monday, March 9, 2009


is it bad that lovey dovey things make me a little sick right now?

hahaha. it's sad but true. not in an overly pessimistic way or anything but when i see high schoolers making out at the bus stop and imagining what they are promising each other i can't help but think it's all a little ridiculous. and even people my age-- i prefer not to take part. hearts and stars and unreachable dreams right now. i don't know, i'm really into friendships at the moment.

it's really strange... i was talking to chloe the other day about how i have two friends getting married this summer and she thought it was the weirdest thing to get married so young. and really, i have been in the Christian subculture mindset that it is normal. so it was really refreshing to hear that on the large scale, it isn't! I really had to step back to think about it because i really that it was super normal.


  1. three cheers for being young and having great friends!

    long sigh..i hope it gets better soon.

  2. i try to avoid looking at cute couples and listening to epic love songs at the moment. it helps a little. :)
