tomorrow morning i leave for Nice for the weekend! i probably told you this 10 X but chloe's host mom's daughter rented an apartment in Nice for the week and offered for us to stay because she isn't there on weekends. i've been very blessed, and have decided that i can't be selfish anymore. and i need to get better at sharing. the weather will be in the 70s from here on out! I might bring my swimming suit along! i heard the architecture in Nice looks very italian... (it is not too far from the france/italian border)
it's funny how you seem to really get close to people once you have to leave for somewhere else. my classmates are dear to me--not even because i hang out with them a lot, because i don't. but we have 14 hours of class together and you start to feel like a little family, plus with the oral activities we do, we learn a lot about one another. but it couldn't go on forever this way. one downfall of french schools is the lack of campus life. it would have been nicer to have event to go to, to get to know people better. oh well, i have a few friends i have the possibility to visit in the future.
too bad i'm dead broke. with a wine induced smile and tired legs.