so i've been learning things about britain and the stereotypes within the UK; scotland, wales, ireland. ha. interesting, you don't quite think there is that much to know from a distance but there are actually a lot of things they do differently. it's interesting comparing Britain to France and the U.S. the fashion here is crazier, many different patters and colors, very unlike french fashion-always tres chic. My french host mother has weird negative sterotypes about the English, which most french have. i personally think it's because the french are overtly selfish and pretentious. i'm especially blown away at how nice the brits seem in contrast.
i've been tasting some interesting things like bread and butter pudding, sticky toffee pudding, english tea, black pudding (blood-soaked sausage) and things of the like.
i went to some amazing vintage stores yesterday. think LONDON 60s. i could have totally looked like a spice girl if i wanted to.
i also feel like watching the BBC version of pride and prejudice again. also, i want a school uniform! they're so cute!
also, i went here today (little moreton hall)! think alice in wonderland.