Monday, April 13, 2009


there is a part of me that suppressed for others sake, it stirs and is agitated from deep within, and now has been unearthed. well if you want to like me, you can like all of me! there are no obligations! i do not require you to sign at the dotted line.

and the truth is i am a little more ferocious than you think, i am a little more responsive than you want, i am little more complex than you care to accept. so the next time i do something you don't like, don't turn your back to me because i can walk around to your front, and you can look me in the eyes and say it rather than play manipulative games with me. because although i'm fierce and coy there's something i'm not.. and that is conniving and manipulative.

i like to sing loudly to 80s epic love songs, and i will yell things in public and make a scene, and sometimes i like ridiculous fashion and bright lipstick. i liked it before you, and i like it after you. my life did not end when i jetted off to another hemisphere without you. it's just begun.


  1. haha girl you better speak it!! i can print this off and send it to a special someone for you if you'd like.

    tee hee jk


  2. "so the next time i do something you don't like, don't turn your back to me because i can walk around to your front"

    so good!
