Wednesday, April 1, 2009

miss list!

1. pumping the music and dancing/singing/looking at myself doing ridiculous things in the mirror. haha!

2. wearing heels...( i walk everywhere so i can't).

3. wearing short little dresses and strutting around uptown (wait i never did that)

4. this is turning into a seduction list?!

5. (i continue) do you have to do something in order to miss it?

6. because i'm missing things i never do...

7. like working out and wearing low riding jeans with big belt buckles (ok i did that when i was like 16) and having long hair

8. and going to large outdoor festivals where i can scream and push people around! and yell the words to the songs?

9. and giving people seductive anonymous glances...

something is VERY wrong.


  1. fellin' sexy, scandalous, luscious, seductive and fine in 2009!

    oo la la ! summer funn

  2. i'm all for it! let's go off the deep end this summer!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! you are so funny! hey, tomorrow skype?
