Wednesday, July 1, 2009
500 days of summer
i'm about to fall asleep at my desk.
there isn't much for me to do today.
luckily i will start at 8:00am instead of 7:00pm, starting next week.
the summer is going by quite quickly.
this weekend is the 4th of july!
next week i'm going home for all of erin's wedding celebrations.
i am excited. & i finally found an adorable dress!
there will be a lot of people at the wedding
that i have not seen in a long while.
i will be looking forward to seeing my family again.
(and dancing the night away with many willing dance partners!)
for the rest of the month, i'll be working like crazy!
it's good for me. it will keep me busy and active.
then i can breathe a little freer.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
all i know is i need a change.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
i'm coming home
i'm actually strangely excited for my flight... more so the long one, so i can watch new movies and do some reflection on the past four months that have passed tellement vite.
i'm excited to have a latte again! :) and of course to see you!!!!
p.s. i don't want to shut my shutters tonight or my window!
Friday, May 15, 2009

tomorrow is.... CANNES int'l film festival 09! i think most of the films this year are foreign so i don't know how many celebrities i will actually recognize, but i'm excited for the big red carpet event and the PAPARAZZI! when would i ever have the opportunity to go to the Cannes film festival again, it's kind of a once in a lifetime thing. my host mom was telling me it's an old money type of place (it's on the mediterranean) and it's really ritzy, i guess many wealthy people retire there (like St. Tropez, Monaco, and Monte Carlo).
it's rainy, which is exceptionally uncommon in Aix-en-Provence. a few goodbyes yesterday, a couple today, more on sunday. i'm having dinner at chloe's house this evening with her host mother. :)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
it's not really over.
there were a lot of dynamics going on with all of the foreign students and their responses to questions in french that you actually could tell a lot about a person. for example, today we had to pick out which family structure you liked the best and why (traditional, where mom stays home and dad goes to work, or hippy family that is always outdoors and surrounded by friends and family and listening to music, or childless couple that have good jobs and busy lives). just for reference i choose the hippy family. haha.
*goodbyes are weird. i think everything should end the day before it is supposed to so that you don't have to think about it as in-depth. because while parting, if you knew you were going to see someone tomorrow it's just "see you" but if you don't know when you will see someone again, you have to think about all they ever meant to you and it forces you to become too sentimental, when really some people in our lives are just instrumental (not to say they can't influence you are make an impact on your life) i just think back to jr. high when all of the girls cried on the last day of 8th grade. some people were moving away, others would change, etc. but the reality of it is that at the end of the summer they most likely won't even remember some of the friends they hung out with because it's jr. high! and you can be thankful for what someone was to you, but if you grip everything that comes your way, you might ruin the nature of what it is. For example, there is a teacher from high school that influenced me a lot, and i respect him. at graduations i go to at my old high school i talk to him and update him, and that works. but if i wanted to become friends with him, that would be weird, and not an acceptable friendship. another example, i make friends with a girl studying abroad and although i meet them and get to know them in class a little-- i don't have a lot in common with them. and you get to a point where it can't go any further because you truly don't have deep things you agree on. but maybe that's the beauty of these encounters... to talk to people you normally wouldn't, to be displaced so that you learn that the world is much bigger than you think, and to question what you believe and how you fit into the world. it is beautiful but it isn't always easy when you know you have a life somewhere else.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Money and real estate occupy the body,
but all the heart wants is expanding friendship.
A rose garden without a friend is indeed a prison;
a prison with a friend becomes a rose garden.
If the pleasure of a friendship did not exist,
neither men nor women would be here.
A thorn from a friend's garden is worth more
than a thousand cypresses and lilies.
Love sewed us secretly together.
We owe nothing to the needle and the thread.
If the house of the world is dark,
Love will find a way to create windows.
If the world of arrows and swords,
the Armorer of Love has made us coats of mail.
Love itself describes its own perfection.
Be speechless and listen.
Divani Shamsi Tabrizi
Thursday, May 7, 2009

tomorrow morning i leave for Nice for the weekend! i probably told you this 10 X but chloe's host mom's daughter rented an apartment in Nice for the week and offered for us to stay because she isn't there on weekends. i've been very blessed, and have decided that i can't be selfish anymore. and i need to get better at sharing. the weather will be in the 70s from here on out! I might bring my swimming suit along! i heard the architecture in Nice looks very italian... (it is not too far from the france/italian border)
it's funny how you seem to really get close to people once you have to leave for somewhere else. my classmates are dear to me--not even because i hang out with them a lot, because i don't. but we have 14 hours of class together and you start to feel like a little family, plus with the oral activities we do, we learn a lot about one another. but it couldn't go on forever this way. one downfall of french schools is the lack of campus life. it would have been nicer to have event to go to, to get to know people better. oh well, i have a few friends i have the possibility to visit in the future.
too bad i'm dead broke. with a wine induced smile and tired legs.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
tea time
so i've been learning things about britain and the stereotypes within the UK; scotland, wales, ireland. ha. interesting, you don't quite think there is that much to know from a distance but there are actually a lot of things they do differently. it's interesting comparing Britain to France and the U.S. the fashion here is crazier, many different patters and colors, very unlike french fashion-always tres chic. My french host mother has weird negative sterotypes about the English, which most french have. i personally think it's because the french are overtly selfish and pretentious. i'm especially blown away at how nice the brits seem in contrast.
i've been tasting some interesting things like bread and butter pudding, sticky toffee pudding, english tea, black pudding (blood-soaked sausage) and things of the like.
i went to some amazing vintage stores yesterday. think LONDON 60s. i could have totally looked like a spice girl if i wanted to.
i also feel like watching the BBC version of pride and prejudice again. also, i want a school uniform! they're so cute!
also, i went here today (little moreton hall)! think alice in wonderland.
Monday, April 27, 2009
tell you more later. heading to the countryside. we're staying at a bed and breakfast somewhere close to where Beatrix Potter lived. :)
bye! the family is super nice! i like the british better than the french.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
cheshire cats and tudor homes
i'm getting very excited, i leave for england tomorrow! i need a change of scenery, my host mother has been getting on my nerves with her selfish endeavors. This week has been enjoyable but i've had too much time on my hands and need more outer stimulation.
today i'm going to meet chloe for a cup of coffee and explore these trails that mysteriously get lost into the woods my by apartment. i've never been in there buy everyday when i walk home i see women, babies, runners, appearing from the thicket clearing.
i'm tired of the french intonation. it's so demanding and annoyingly animated, in a whiny insupressible way. well actually i just said that because as i was writing very clearly in my clean crisp room when MADAME ALLOUCHERIE started nagging me about hanging my laundry. it makes me miss my REAL mother! who treats me like an ADULT who is not a child and who knows how to take care of herself! HELLO! i've lived on my own for three years and like it that way! i have a strong inclination that a french woman would be very difficult to be in a relationship with because they're so touchy and capricious.
luckily, i will have a week of english air to clear out my lungs! then i can deal with two more weeks of pleasantries and artificial flatteries. i have to say, i miss american people the most of all... i am going to feel like everyone wants to be my friend when i return, even the grocery clerk and the barista at starbucks. i like flirting with strangers, even if i'll never see them again or have to attraction whatsoever. at first the idea of the "european private lifestyle" intrigued me, but now i just feel like saying "get over yourself" you're just the same as any one of us, your life isn't any more interesting than mine.
Friday, April 24, 2009
when harry met sally...
so a prominent issue in the movie was the debate of whether you can have true friends of the opposite sex without the "sexual tension". the woman of course said it was possible, but the man said if you're attracted to someone of the opposite sex, that will keep you from truly being real friends and you just couldn't be friends with someone you are attracted to. i feel like this is a breakthrough in the psychology of men and women!!! i really think women can have friends of the opposite sex and think nothing of it, but from personal experience men seem to have troubles having girls that are just friends...
What do you think!? I am VERY curious.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
more of you, more of me
i am becoming more of myself...
the me that laughs ALL of the time
the me that excites imaginative ideas
the me that just wants to enjoy life
the me that wants to play with you
the me that is happy!
In class this week, i was just dying of laughter for some reason, maybe it was the fact that all of these foreigners are trying to sing uninhibitedly to french songs, i do not know. but i'm getting really comfortable with chloe by this time and hour and she just loved it! she couldn't look at me with a straight face, and sometimes when i am talking to her (usually acting something out or ridiculously annoyed or astonished) she just smiles and says "i am going to really miss you" and the real underlying factor is being around people who enjoy you. i just want to love and be loved in return! it's not such a grand request!
Nothing Happens Without You
Should everything pass away,
it couldn't happen without You.
This heart of mine bears Your imprint;
it has nowhere else to turn.
The eye of intellect is drunk with You,
the wheeling galaxy is humble before You,
the ear of ecstasy is in Your hand;
nothing happens without You.
The soul is bubbling with You,
the heart imbibes You,
the intellect bellows in rapture;
nothing happens without You.
You, my grape wine and my intoxication,
my rose garden and my springtime,
my sleep and repose;
nothing happens without You.
You are my grandeur and glory,
you are my possessions and prosperity,
you are my purest water;
nothing happens without You.
It is all Your being, Your gentle good faith or Your seemingly cruelty.
You are everything of mine;
no matter where You are going,
nothing happens without You.
They place their hearts with You,
and You break them;
they repent, You break them again.
You do all of this Yourself;
nothing happens without You.
Were something to happen without You,
the world would be overturned.
The Garden of Eden would turn to Hell;
nothing happens without You.
If You are a head, I'll become Your feet,
and if You are a fist, I'll become Your flag.
If You disappear, I'll turn to nothing;
nothing happens without You.
You've disturbed my sleep,
You've effaced my personality,
You've broken every attachment;
nothing happens without You.
Should You stop being my Beloved,
my affairs would be disastrous.
My Comforter, my dear Companion!
Nothing happens without You.
Without You, life would not be delightful
nor death joyous;
how can I rebel against Your sorrow?
Nothing happens without You.
Whatever I say, O seal of judges,
all seemingly good and evil notwithstanding,
say it Yourself, by Your Grace;
nothing happens without You.
Divani Shamsi Tabrizi 553
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
i miss you. i have most of the day off so i'm doing my own thing, but i just wish you were here and i could show you around, go to cafes, have a pique-nique, meander from fountain to fountain, eat amazing food. i'm getting tired of doing it by myself. of course i do things with chloe but she is in different classes and we have different schedules during the week...i just miss you.
i'm hoping i will find something to do for my first week of vacation which starts friday! :( my plans keep falling through, and i don't want to be lounging around all week. i do enough of that while i'm IN school! haha. luckily the second week is definite and already booked to England! I think the couple took off of work to show us around? :) can't wait!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
and the truth is i am a little more ferocious than you think, i am a little more responsive than you want, i am little more complex than you care to accept. so the next time i do something you don't like, don't turn your back to me because i can walk around to your front, and you can look me in the eyes and say it rather than play manipulative games with me. because although i'm fierce and coy there's something i'm not.. and that is conniving and manipulative.
i like to sing loudly to 80s epic love songs, and i will yell things in public and make a scene, and sometimes i like ridiculous fashion and bright lipstick. i liked it before you, and i like it after you. my life did not end when i jetted off to another hemisphere without you. it's just begun.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
This is where I was today. it is a midieval city, "city of the popes", very fortress-like. I'll add my photos soon. there was a lot of interesting architecture to look at. there is a wall around the entire city, but the moat is now buried with dirt. :( It was so quaint, yet classy. It's interesting that the small towns and the countryside here in France have an art and theater scene and cute boutiques. In the u.s. there is absolutely nothing in smaller towns.
Friday, April 10, 2009
the breeze through my window
Thursday, April 9, 2009
consequently, i've been interested in the meaning of dreams. i read an article that proposed that we dream of things our mind has not had time to work out that day, or things left unfinished. but then, if you always tried not to think of a person, you would probably always dream about them because even though you didn't want to think about them, your mind would need to work through their presence in your life... right? so then repressing memories and people would have no effect on our emotional well being. so i don't know if this can be true. but at the same time, it's interesting what your mind can create, that reflects reality in grand exaggeration. maybe our unconscious minds are much more honest than our conscious minds... although i've never been a big supporter of Freud.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
only the lonely
I know where I am going, there is a little current that I let myself be carried on, once in a while it turns into a little funnel cloud and feel like I’m going in circles. But soon after I am redirected in the direction of life.
If you stand in my path, I will walk around you, if it’s impossible. If not, I will find another way, come hell or high water there is another way. I will find it. I will take it. I may have to walk amongst thorns and thick brush, but I will come out alive, and I will see the sun when I do. And I will remember the sun when in the deep shadows of the night.
Because there is beauty and I sometimes I let people tell me there is not, that love doesn’t exist, that it is some false emotion, an ideal, not a reality, but I know differently. It is the most wonderful feeling/knowing that you are loved and have the ability to love another. And although some believe it doesn’t exist, I shut them out. But so sorry for them, they will never experience it because they don’t believe. They believe they are the biggest thing in this world—oh what a destitute life condemned to loneliness and grievances. But I am me, I start with one person, myself, and can only do what I can for them to see the light. I move on, or my light will be shut out. One little person is only so strong. You need to keep moving. Although my heart still aches for what they will never experience.
Monday, April 6, 2009
life. xxx
for example, internship...probably not going to happen this summer. i can only find volunteer internships, which isn't so much the problem as much as i have to PAY to volunteer (over $1200 to be exact) without financial aid beacuse it's under 12 credits! i'm already going to come back to the U.S. broke... so it will just not work. but now i don't know when i'm going to do my internship. this last year of school i am going to have many hard upper level psych classes, and i'll have to do my internship on top of that! but whatever! you have to do what you have to do i guess. ( i would do it next summer but then i couldn't graduate in may).
also, i need a job for the summer, luckily i already have one job at the library: 23 hours a week starting june 1st! but i need to find another job. a good one preferably 20 more hours would be good. i applied at some places online, like augustana. if you know of any job openings, let me know.
although this is a fun part of my life, it will be really nice to be able to support myself one day and not have to worry about getting by. but! i have a few more years before i can even wish for that! haha.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
hello morning glory
Only if you have been in the deepest valley can you know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.
-Richard Milhous Nixon
Friday, April 3, 2009
"king me"
In Normandy (northern France) at the battle grounds of the second world war, there are still half-destroyed bunkers and and in the fields, hills created by bombs and however horrific it is to see, there were innumerable tiny white flowers covering the battlefield as though the corpses of the dead bodies had little seeds planted in them. and of all colors white, the color of peace and surrender. it was beautiful, it is over. but of course it had to first be tragic and a painful and disheartening at times.
ok... i heard this song and i just kind of thought to myself, this is how love should be. it isn't complicated, or hurtful, or malintentioned. i need to be much more apprehensive when getting into my next relationship. because love isn't a chess game, and i shouldn't have to guard my pieces as if in opposition. or make them sidestep in some type of formative pattern in order to get what i want or need.
this song may seem a little cliche, but with all universal emotions, it's bound to be:
Thursday, April 2, 2009
hello neighbor!
but... i guess it's not common for neighbors to become friends here. because we were asked what we look for in a neighbor and i said "someone who is friendly and invites me over for dinner" (limited french knowledge, ok!) and Madame said that it isn't common in French because they are so private with their lives. they will be polite and say "bonjour" in passing but they retreat to their homes. which, made me very sad.
thinking about my parents and how they are friends with all of our neighbors, even some who are in their 30s! and they are truly good friends. there is no boundary line and they don't have guards up. for a while i like that french people were more private... "the european way" but after really thinking about it... it really stifles community. yeah, there are a lot of idiots in America, and there are superficial people, but there is an easiness when communicating with each other that builds community and crosses lines. i like this. i like that my neighbor just walks through our yard and knocks on our back door with his little kid in a superman costume, or that my mom yells things to "bella", the neighbors dog out her back window, or that my dad exchanges tools with guys in the neighborhood, or that my parents have newlyweds over for a campfire in the summer, or that my neighbor brought me over gourmet coffee because he didn't like it, or that my family makes christmas cookies and goodies and we bring them to our neighbors just because we want to. i feel like this is the way things were supposed to be...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
miss list!
2. wearing heels...( i walk everywhere so i can't).
3. wearing short little dresses and strutting around uptown (wait i never did that)
4. this is turning into a seduction list?!
5. (i continue) do you have to do something in order to miss it?
6. because i'm missing things i never do...
7. like working out and wearing low riding jeans with big belt buckles (ok i did that when i was like 16) and having long hair
8. and going to large outdoor festivals where i can scream and push people around! and yell the words to the songs?
9. and giving people seductive anonymous glances...
something is VERY wrong.
"to try"
verb ( tries, tried)
1 [ intrans. ] make an attempt or effort to do something : [with infinitive ] he tried to regain his breath | I started to try and untangle the mystery | I decided to try writing fiction | none of them tried very hard | [ trans. ] three times he tried the maneuver and three times he failed.
it does not mean anything to me. in some languages the word "try" does not exist. i don't want it to exist in my language. i will or i won't i do or i don't. i live or i die, i'm loud or i'm shy. i hate the word try. it signifies such obscurity, it doesn't mean anything. because who knows how hard you're trying, or if you're appearing to try all while wanting the inverse of what you're working towards!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
a lot like paradise
unfortunately the rest of the weekend the weather was not very nice, so we set some fires in the woods because in southern france there is a lot of dry brush and in the summer when it gets very hot, there are many forest fires, so people are required to "clean" their forests and burn brush. this seemed to be a very funny thing to be doing while is france (to me).
Annie brought us to Saint Tropez for the rest of the day... we had to drive through mountains to get there and it was so beautiful. St. Tropez is on the coast (mediterranean) and it's very ritzy, many celebrities come there especially in the summer. the french daughter said she saw Bruce Willis there one summer. haha. we also went to a interpretive dance saturday night... the dancer's interpretation of the islamic religion... it was super interesting and amazing how he could move his body. it made me want to be a devout yogi!
the rest of the weekend we spent eating, lounging, and looking at fashion magazines (Madame Figaro. haha). the french mom, Annie asked for my e-mail address to stay in contact with me. :)
now i'm back in Aix, going to class, getting back into the groove.
Oh, so in europe they have this amazing invention called good espresso vending machines!!! the machine makes it right in front of you, you can choose how much sugar you want. plain espresso, cafe creme, cafe au lait, etc. i will take a picture. a cafe creme (=espresso and a little milk) is 60 centimes (euro cents)!!! and so during class breaks (because sometimes i have 4 hours classes) there are a bunch of people who gather in the courtyard sitting on benches, smoking, etc. with these little espresso cups. it''s purely divine! and i do not know why we do not have them!!! they have them here in gas stations, at my school, airports, TGV stations, everywhere!
Can you believe tomorrow will be APRIL? i can't.
P.S. skype me! it's fun.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
le week-end
I also learned that France's social security is better than the U.S. because the money people pay for social security (money coming our of their check like taxes) is directly payed to retired people right then... our (U.S.) social security apparently is INVESTED and so when there are economic problems, it is not certain that the funds be there when we get older!!! yikes.
to believe or not believe:
this weekend i am visiting the family that i stayed with in Paris. they invited Chloe and I to come to their home in the southern countryside. when we were in Paris, the father jokingly invited us, saying we should come and trim olive branches. then he casually mentioned while we were eating that the wine we were drinking with the meal was from "their vineyard" so Chloe and i were floored. because when you're filtering through the French language, sometimes you have to think twice. "wait, did he just say they owned a vineyard and an oliverie???" Alyssa thought to herself, shocked but silent. the answer is yes. they do. and i am staying there for the weekend and trimming trees! i'm hoping the weather will be nice! i'll get to meet their other daughter who i haven't met yet. apparently she goes to Oxford in London... i'll let you know how it goes!
haha. i like this little video. someday i want a videocam and make fun little videos.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
ma belle-mere
when i first got here and was feeling homesick, there was a wikihow site i was looking "how to fight homesickness" haha, and one suggestion was to immerse yourself in the culture and see what there is to see, meet people and ask about their experiences and it will make you not think about being "stuck here" haha. well i heeded their advice. i have friends here now, a french language partner who is really sweet, and a belle mere. I asked her to watch a movie with me last night, it was french and surprisingly i really understood it (in french with french subtitles). Lately we've been talking about a lot of important matters and just the way society is progressing. I am very surprised to communicate of these topics because they are deep and in French. For example that the feminist movement was not good for families and that the differences between sexes is getting smaller, and that adolescents is becoming longer and that youth are more confused now and that they are less happy. And i guess it is also a trend here to delay marriage, or just live together and not get married. I asked the average age for marriage and she said about 30!!! yikes.
She also talks about her previous American students.... oh man. think paris hiltons. i am glad she knows it depends on the American because she's had some ridiculous but cliche American girls staying with her. I am glad that she views this exchange between us a learning experience for both of us because I am really learning a lot about France and wine and things in general. Yesterday i asked what her favorite age was at dinner and she said she loved every age they are just different and she explained the differences. And i thought of how beautiful that was. She really is a beautiful person. I really got lucky... or maybe luck is the wrong word.
Friday, March 20, 2009
la premier jour de ma vie
...or i could have a coffee at a little cafe with a decadent dessert and write or do my homework. i'm really getting used to the provencial landscapes too, mont sainte victoire, the tan/pink/blue stucco apartment buildings and shutters, the olive trees and lavander and poppy flowers, the balconies and beautiful outdoor views.
I am expanding my social network and hanging out with people in my class more. today i had a picnic in the park with 3 girls. I enjoy that everyone seems to be from a different place, i'm learning a lot about everywhere! like that an eraser in the U.K. is a rubber... haha! man, i just want to visit everywhere and see the entire world....
I am pretty sure for my spring break Chloe and I are going to the U.K. for two weeks. One week in London and one in Manchester... her mom seems to have friends all over. I met her mom and she is really fun... she seems to have lived a great life and done many things, she's really interesting. She kind of reminds me of Maryl Streep in Mama Mia! haha. truly. i really like that movie...
Another things... it seems i am slipping into the oblivion, as if i am disappearing from the radar, but for the first time in my life i am happy with that. being normal has never seemed so beautiful and ideal to me as it does now. I just feel like i don't need anything anymore, just knowing is enough, i don't have to say it or post it on a bilboard or anything because i have it and that's all that's necessary. Most of my life I wanted it to be known that i was different and be marked by differences, but no, not now. I have found this sense of security in that no matter what, other people cannot take some things away from you... there are aspects of yourself that belong solely and inherently to you alone, and they can't take that unless you let them.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
st. patrick's day
Saturday, March 14, 2009
II. I am very content knowing that I am finally doing what I want to do... that i'm not waiting for a future date, or looking forward to a unattainable future. I am finally doing one of the major goals that I have wanted to do for a long time... some days i questioned if it would ever come and here it is. There were so many pot holes and obstacles and I questioned whether I was even supposed to come, and even when I got here it got even harder which i did not imagine and it was trial after trial slowly it became worth it. It is how I imagine a jet taking off... it has to break through layers of the earth's atmosphere and there is full turbulence and you can tell the engines are working in overdrive and you are kind of nervous to see if you'll actually get to the place of zero gravity and bam! there you are! and there are all of the stars and the moon!
III. i don't think Kirsten Dunst is a great actress but for some reason I like all of the films she was in (that i saw) especially elizabethtown and I have this fascination with her. this for example...

Friday, March 13, 2009
so here it is, i settled. i lowered my standards for instant gratification.
i learned.
and now i'm in France and traveling the world!!!
deep violet
color personality quiz... it's correct.
Purple is the color of spirituality. Purple personalities are always striving to be better than they consider themselves to be, both on a spiritual, emotional and a mental plane.
Needing more knowledge, they become avid readers. Trying to become what they think they should be, they search their own lives and the lives of others to find the answers. The study of religions makes them feel as if they are accomplishing something bigger than themselves in life. A good theological discussion is right up their alley.
Wanting to help as many people as they can, they are more than willing to give you the benefit of their education. Trying to achieve perfection, they seem to struggle with themselves more than most because they tend to be so critical of themselves.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
i'm just a small town girl
Sometimes i question how i got here? When i talk to some of my cousins, they act like going to college, moving away, visiting France is some other world that they can't enter. It's really sad... that they don't think they could have dreams. I am very thankful to have amazing parents.
Although I think i've been on opposite spectrums trying to balance where i came from and who i want to be, i need to be in the center. I feel like i keep jumping all over the spectrum with what i want and eventually i will land in the middle.
ok... i am realy warming up to Taylor Swift... haha. and i like this song! and i wouldn't mind something a little more traditional. i was traditionally brought up- these are my roots! i wouldn't mind living in a small town again or maybe even having a little farm... some chickens, a cow. but the beautiful thing is! I haven't made any decisions yet! I can still change what I want, i am young! Next week I can decide I want to teach English in China after I graduate if i want to!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
i was a dreamer before i met you:
this is a fairytale.
i am the one you'll sweep off her feet
and lead her up the stairwell.
this is a big town.
this is hollywood.
i am a dreamer.
not too late for a white horse to come around.
Monday, March 9, 2009
hahaha. it's sad but true. not in an overly pessimistic way or anything but when i see high schoolers making out at the bus stop and imagining what they are promising each other i can't help but think it's all a little ridiculous. and even people my age-- i prefer not to take part. hearts and stars and unreachable dreams right now. i don't know, i'm really into friendships at the moment.
it's really strange... i was talking to chloe the other day about how i have two friends getting married this summer and she thought it was the weirdest thing to get married so young. and really, i have been in the Christian subculture mindset that it is normal. so it was really refreshing to hear that on the large scale, it isn't! I really had to step back to think about it because i really that it was super normal.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
la fin de la semaine
I went to the Champs-Elysees and the arc du triomphe, which is where all of the haute couture stores are. And I went to some high end department stores, le printemps and la gallerie de lafayette. WOW i am floored by all of the haute couture fashion i saw today. but truly, it makes me want to return to fox valley thrift and go thrifting. haha. tried and true.
Today is my last day in Paris, the family we are staying with is bringing us on the bateau mouche- a boat tour on the Seine!!! Then they are bringing us out for supper at a restaurant. They are very generous people and very warm. I will miss them.
Friday, March 6, 2009
la cité de la mort
-edith piaf
-jim morrison
-oscar wilde
It is an elaborate cemetary with large house-like gravestones above ground (it's in Paris, Je t'aime if you remember) ... it's more like a city of the burried than a cemetary. it was beautiful. you will see photos.
i also went to this cafe for lunch and spent way too much money, but it was delicious. i love the food here. i might be splurging on food when i return, but it will be farmer's market!!!
tonight i am (and chloe) going with the mother of the family we are staying with to her friend's house for pizza, then we're all (4 of us) going to the film "Gran Torrino"--hopefully i will understand it because it will most likely be dubbed in French. haha.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
show your bones (and your books)!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
bonjour from paris!
instead i will tell you what i did today: i visited the chatea of Varseilles- home of Marie Antoinette! It was so beautful and gradiose-everything is overthetop. I had an audioguide tour through all of the rooms and bedchambers, and they gave you very interesting factual historic information. And this time i got to see her own village/chateau which is separate from Varseilles. It is briefly in the movie but just for a second (her getaway after her first daughter is born). Wow it was breath-taking! There is a petite little village with a farm and a little walled city as quaint as can be. I could just imagine the movie reeling through my head. i will have to watch it again soon because it made me so happy to discover it... it was if it was lost in the woods and never seen. unfortunately my camera does not catch everything i see...
As always with adventures includes making mistakes, learning from them and hopefully not repeating the same one twice. I will admit there were a few times when i got lost on the metro, in the street, didnt know how to say something, but the important thing is im figuring it out on my own and the more mistakes i make, the less it really matters.
love & wish you were here!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
bourgoise beheme
2. | bobo | 235 up, 75 down |
Bourgeois Bohême, in French. Yuppies or dinks who live as is they weren't, love to differentiate themselves by visiting foreign countries before the herd of ordinary tourists flock after them (Croatia a few years ago, now the Baltic states), eat alternative/fair trade/organic food such as "bio fair trade Miso soup". They tend to live in mixed neighbourhoods to be near the poor, but they send their children to private schools to avoid too close a contact with the natives and they price all the poor out of the neighbourhoods they gentrify. Of course they concentrate in some parts of Paris and never could live in "la province". They often vote for the Communists or the Greens but take the fullest advantage of the tax gifts offered by right-wing governments. Le "no logo", c'est tellement bobo! |
it was interesting to hear this slang coming from a 50 year old french woman. hmm i wonder what she thinks about me., she often talks about other students from various states and their eccentricities. of course there has to be a texan who was completely well, southern american! it's interesting, she realizes there are many faces of Americans.
i am doing quite well. my spirit is being freed and my mind expanded. i am no longer afriad of change and am learning to welcome it. i am trusting God a lot, i am learning a lot. i am living. i am life.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
when going to italy:
1 .do not make the same mistake as i did and order a "latte" (just milk) instead of ordering a cappuccino!!! haha. this could be fatal.
2. if you combine french, spanish, and english, you can probably converse with the Italians.
3. italy, like france never has decent bathroom facilities so make sure you use them when they are free and present.
4. when all else fails talk with your hands
5. the fashion is a bit synthetic in italy. i personally did not like it because it was overly primped and plastic. the men were a little too manicured and the women too processed looking... think victoria beckham. not really my idea of beauty. oh and they love fur! i saw many older women with fur coats. (Well just look at Donatella Versace).
In France, at least southern france most people wear all black, the men are very attractive of course and dress well, and the women are beautiful, but most of them seem to dress all the same and have the same types of haircuts. for young women long hair parted down the middle with straight bangs is very popular, also just long hair without bangs is popular. Almost all of the teenagers have black leather bomber jackets. And of course straight jeans with either boots or flats. There are a variety of haircuts for older women, many shortcuts. Although they dress well, they dress a little too synchronized for me. I think I will see more street types of fashion in Paris. :) i hope anyway!
Monday, February 23, 2009
the masquerade
People really get into the Carnival in Venice. Some people work on their costumes all year round. The masks are ridiculous and extravagant! Some of them are so over the top. At times I could not tell if it was the Carnival or Halloween based on people's interesting costumes. Most of the narrow little pedestrian streets were stuffed full of people. At night there were police monitoring pedestrian traffic. ha. Oh also, we took the "boat metro" to and from our hostel because Venice is made up of islands and there is no bridge connecting them and no cars of the islands. Trying to figure out Italian was pretty interesting too.
Getting to and from Venice was pretty close to hell though... our guide was very disorganized (which isn't that surprising because every kind of business and organization in France is half-cocked, really unprofessional and unofficial) and the bus ride was over 9 hours each way, through the night.
It feels good to be back in France though, we were literally walking around all day for two days straight. Chloe and I went off the beaten path a little and discovered some great sights away from the chaos. It was nice, but traveling can be really stressful.
wish you were here! xoxo.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
try and catch me now
...and it is here that i find exactly who i knew i always was. and i am so happy to have that veil lifted off of my face. it's very hard to explain but i feel much lighter. before i left i knew i had changed but i felt weighed down by something i could not pinpoint and i was not happy and i wanted to revert back but i did not know how. it was the most horrible feeling... and of course it got worse before it got better.
I am just so relived to be back. truly. now i feel like doing all of these ridiculous things and nothing is holding me back. I was trying before i left but i needed to be liberated by something else and finally i have achieved it. (long drawn out sigh). no more feeling sorry for myself.
VIOLETTE: my new french friend whom i meet for french/english language exchange at least once a week! she's so cute and nice. she talks a lot, and is getting her master's in French literature. each time we meet we have a topic to talk about, cultural differences, favorite books/music. it's so interesting!
VENICE: i'm leaving tomorrow for the weekend. i will be attending the carnival of venice so i am hoping to get an elaborate mask with feathers and pure decadence! ahh i can't believe i'm going! I am taking a bus, staying at a hostel, i'll have to take a boat taxi to the main island because the hostel is not on the island with St. Marco's square and all of the embellishments!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
don't regret what has happened, be anxious for what is yet to come
sometimes when i'm walking home from the centre-ville i think to myself-- huh, i'm good at pretending-- being here like this, walking down this french road, residing in this french apartment, talking the french bus, haha. it's strange that you can actually do this at any point of your life, just pick up and change everything. my apartment is a half an hour walk from downtown, it's too long to make it to my 8:00 classes but i want to walk home more, it's in the upper 40s/50s so it's quite enjoyable, especially with my ipod.
tomorrow i meet my french language partner. i found her number on a board at Book & Bar, she sent me a photo of her and she looks miniature, kind of elvish. i'm excited to meet a real french person my age. hopefully we can be friends.
i'm still trying to rewire some of my responses to conditioned stimuli. mostly music...some of my favourite artists, that i can't just never listen to again. so i'm rewiring. it always has to get worse before it gets better. it's empowering at times.
I figure soon I will be like tempered metal... meaning metal that is put under extremely high heat almost to a liquid and then cooled, which in turn makes it indestructible... well no just very strong.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
je deteste le mistral (winds)
We found this very interesting eclectic store; it had vintage clothes/boots, art culture books (& holga cameras, but for 70 euros! ridiculous) and a cafe in back with a projector on mute but with subtitles. +++the lady let me used the washroom! i was searching for a public restroom and i was dying, i even bought something from a patisserie to use the bathroom, just to find it did not have one. catasrophic.
Chloe's mom has friends who live in Aix, and they invited Chloe and on to go to a play with them on this same day, so we met them at a cafe in Marseille. It was Jean Coctea's Infernal Machine (Oedipus) in French. It was pretty amazing--it was in the smallest theater i have ever been in and the actors were very expressive. I think last semester I watched the sequel (movie) to this play and wondered why i didn't understand it.
I saw this French movie "LOL" today. It was a coming of age movie. Although, I've decided that it takes people a long time to "come of age" because we have so long to grow up and so long to be young. I do not particularly like that. I think there are too many options, and with too many options, more to regret and question and change. To someone who knows themself, this could be a nuisance. I'll post the pubescent music video from the movie. hopefully it will entertain you.
Friday, February 13, 2009
my complete[ly] broken heart
i live on the boundary line. I really like it here, my classes are challenging and sometimes i feel like i am missing something in class, and am confused, so you have to ask questions to the teacher in front of the entire class... and i don't know if i have ever told you this but i have always not liked asking questions in class.. i would rather search the entire book than doing so, maybe it's pride, it's not like i've ever been humilitated in class or anything, but i've had this complex. So now, we go around the class with our French homework and if i get an answer wrong, my teacher will explain why and ask me if i understand---of course i can't lie! even if it wanted to. But i am beginning to feel like it's less about what's in my peripherals and my goal is solely understanding, which has really put my pride aside.
And it's not even that other people always's a comical group, our class--made up of koreans, americans, a brit, a swede, a chinese, a columbian, and an italian. We spend 16 hours a week together, i'm beginning to feel fond of them, although i haven't hung out with any of them outside of class. We do a lot of excercises that ask what certain aspects of our culture is like, so not only am i learning things about France, but all of these other cultures! I really enjoy that.
There are so many times already on this trip that I've been level here, just going along on my day, and important people in my life have done something really great, just really overwhelmingly nice, and in that instand I will start crying, sobbing actually... I've never really been a crier or understood when people are always crying in movies and at little things, but this has been the firsts time in my life I am letting myself be affected by things..... at one moment it will be something that is missing inside of me, and later it will be that I am overwhelmed with love, though I am so far away from the people I care about most.
And i'm not worried about myself. i think this is psychologically the hardest thing i have ever done just because it's not a hurdle you jump over and you're done, but it's a continual displacement that I must work through every day on my own, but it is the best thing i have ever done for myself.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
not after anyone, but for the meaning of my name: logical, truthful, honest
haha... a couple days ago, but there are deep things that come to mind that put me on the verge of tears every day, i beginning to accept it.
sure, especially with a black liquidy pen
ha. no. not ready for that part of my life.
if i were the same person no, because i don't get along with people a lot like myself- territorial issues
yes, but not in a serious way. usually i think i am funnier than i really am, and more so entertain myself than anyone i'm talking to
all of em.
over my dead body.
recently: granola with dark chocolate chunks!
i don't have any shoes with laces!
coffee/mint choco chip/cookie dough/cake batter
the aura they have surrounding them
red & pink is one of my favourite colour combinations
haha, not telling the real answer. but sometimes i wish i could lie, but my face reveals emotions i want to conceal.
oh you know.
jeans and slippers
bon iver's newish e.p.
euphoria, luminescence, enigma....some deep shade of purple i suppose
old books, french streets (fresh bakery, coffee, and cigarettes), natural skin oils, saturday mornings at home--mom baking again...
25. Do you know the person who sent this to you?
which category!?
fish, bread, fruit...chocolate
are these supposed to be opposites?
Slumdog Millionaire
summer>winter and fall>summer
it depends on many factors involved.
tartelette aux framboise
adventures of huckleberry finn and all the french magazines/advertising i can see
don't have one.
La Plus Belle Vie
the cicadas in the big old maple tree at my old house, coffee pot perculating, clicking heals, fixing a bath, deep voices reading me books
joe cocker
here. now.
expecting too much of myself?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
c'est bazarre!
2. you don't need to refrigerate the milk here (it isn't dairy)
3. their butter is slightly sweet
4. you hardly put anything on a real crepe
5. i may be a slight wine expert by the time i return
6. they don't really have coffee shops here... you'll have to go to a cafe, which is not as casual and it does not have free wifi
7. almost 50% of people live in apartments in France
8. everything is smaller and more expensive :) but usually better
9. dessert = yogurt, cheese, or a fruit
10. portions are much smaller
11. even though the French are very dramatic in their speech (their intonation goes up and down a lot) they are pretty quiet interacting with their friends in public areas.
12. French people are not as friendly (My host mother says that the French are general difficult to please, capricious) and they seem always ready to react to something, any slight problem or occurrence in like a whiney, "i'm in middle school and begging my mother to let me go to a party" kind of way... it annoys me mostly.
The food i have been eating is delicious. I am going to have many ideas for meals when I return and just in time for farmer's market season!
I'm going to have to say I miss coffee shops.... Because cafes are more formal it just feels weird sprawling all of my things out on a table, sipping cafe creme and getting down to business. There's a waiter man permanently standing waiting for someone to ask for something, and its just not very cozy ( i have an image of myself staring out an icy window into a blizzard at e.p. and it warms my soul. haha. Actually at book & bar, it's pretty cozy--it's an English book store.. i guess it's pretty close to a coffee shop. Yeah, ok it is. It's a favourite place of mine.
And next week I am going to meet a random French person that i e-mailed there.... !