Wednesday, March 18, 2009

st. patrick's day

haha. so last night, i decided randomly that i wanted to go out for st. patrick's day... talk about ridiculous. i felt like i was in america. it was such a culture clash... thinking the french are taking part in this "holiday" (just another excuse to drink). so i went to an irish pub (there are a total of three in aix) and all of the little streets were pretty spare until BAM, i turned around the corner and people were bursting out of the pub, tons of drunks in the street drinking beer and wearing crazy hats and things. i met chloe and my swedish friend, frida and we went in and had a guiness (which i did not enjoy a drop of, but hello it's st. patrick's day!) had a few run-ins with some french drunks, and once again realized that i just do not belong in the night life scene. haha. i'm glad i went though, i've been wanting to go out here just to see what it's like and I have never taken part in this holiday before except for having a shamrock shake one year.... which might i add tasted much better than the dreadful beer i drank. so, Oh and i like irish coffee better too! next year perhaps live jazz and an irish coffee will suit me just fine.


  1. oh night life... i agree with you 100%. coffee and close friends with music is much better than losing your keys in a club because you and your friends are so wasted.

    (lady gaga ha)

  2. whoops..Melissa (me) wrote that last comment. (didn't realize i was logged onto Emily's blog!)
